Last week we launched the second round of our You’re A Doll Kindness Challenge and asked grown-ups to nominate the kind children in their lives. All we can say is WOW!
The stories shared were inspirational and adorable. You are all such great parents, caretakers, and role models because your daughters, nieces, and friends are undoubtedly growing up to be such amazing people. We were so touched by the thoughtfulness, generosity, and kindness shown by children everywhere.
Trust us when we say that it was very difficult to choose just one winner. That being said... drum roll please!
You're A Doll Kindness Challenge Winner
The winner of our very first You're A Doll Kindness Challenge is...
Congrats, Emma!
Emma's mom, Aubrey, nominated her for the You're A Doll Kindness Challenge by sharing her wonderful story, check it out:
"This is Emma. She has a heart of gold. Always helping with her little brother and the other kids in the neighborhood. Last week she gave a garbage bag full of clothes to the little girl down the street. The man next door is elderly and has cancer. We had 3, so she took her pumpkin to him after it was carved. She bakes cupcakes and brownies and take to him. When we go to the grocery store she goes and gets his list and makes sure we pick up everything on it. If she sees a little cake or apple cider, something she knows he likes, she makes sure to get it for him. When the pandemic hit and there wasn’t any toilet paper around, we lucked into some and she made sure we picked up enough for him as well as a few of the other elderly neighbors. Emma’s always doing something to help someone in need. Or lend a helping hand. I couldn’t be more proud of her and how big her heart is!"
Isn't Emma's story amazing? Her prize for being so kind was a Playtime by Eimmie doll of her choice. Emma chose Eimmie and now she'll have a new best friend to play with and inspire!
You can watch our Facebook announcement of the winner here.
Kindness Challenge Highlights
When we told you we received some amazing nominations, we weren't joking! Keep scrolling to read about all the wonderful kiddos working hard to make our world a better place.

"My twins Ivyana and Toryana are 4 and they’re always giving out hugs and I love you's to everyone! They love each other and their brother so much." - Taneisha W.B.
"Peyton is the sweetest little girl. She turns 5 on October 30 and she’s really such a sweetheart. She has a baby sister who will 1 soon, she always helps mommy and daddy with her baby sister, feeding her, giving her her bottle, and playing with her. This picture is when we went to feed the ducks at a small local lake, showing she doesn’t only care for friends and family but also animal life my beautiful girl is so amazing and I’m so happy of the young lady she’s becoming." - Jackie G.
"Charlie (Charlotte) Is so very kind to other kids. She never let anyone feel left out of without someone to talk to. I watch here in amazement when she’s around other kids and how sweet she is. She will legit walk away from a group of girls having a blast to speak to the child that is alone, feeling down, socially stressed or has been outcasts from the group just to be with them. She is also the very best sister to our special needs toddler. She includes her in everything. So proud of her." - Tegan O.
"My sweet daughter loves animals...all of them! She took donations for her birthday last year to give animals in shelters/rescues toys and food bowls. She collected, donated and distributed over 300 toys and 500 bowls to local homeless animals." -Collette S.